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Sam John
May 19, 20241 min read
SCARED. I am terrified. I’m in pain. I wonder if the pain will ever stop. I know it will. I don’t know how my heart does it. I don’t know...
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Sam John
Nov 24, 20231 min read
I Choose Hope.
I Choose Hope. There is always a choice. And more often than not, the best one is the hardest to make. I believe in you and I am thankful...
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Sam John
Nov 23, 20231 min read
ReWritten. Sam John.
ReWritten The 5th of July. Christmas. New Years. Thanksgiving. Halloween. Days of Celebration… Days of Grief. Days of Heartache. I stand…...
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Sam John
Aug 31, 20231 min read
6. Path 3: The Performer.
6. Path 3: The Performer. Sorry for the delay, my loves. Power outages and Idalia had me on a forced, mini-hiatus. I love acting. It’s...
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Sam John
Mar 20, 20231 min read
Hollywood Blvd. has my entire heart.
Hollywood Blvd. has my entire heart. I am so proud to be a Los Angeleno. Yes, it's not perfect but it is home. I have never seen such a...
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Sam John
Jan 31, 20231 min read
This has always been about helping people.
I know in my heart that this book was never about generating any additional income for myself. I want someone to feel heard, loved, and...
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Sam John
Jan 27, 20231 min read
5. Trauma.
Person: Isabelle Entrekin. I follow Martin Antoon’s ideology that there are no singular soulmates in this world and my best friendship...
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Sam John
Jan 26, 20231 min read
6. Love.
People: Nick and Sophia Kootsikas. My bus bro and my phenomenally talented friend! Thank you for being by my side and supporting me...
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Sam John
Jan 23, 20231 min read
9. Grief.
As I work through the final edit of this book, I'm very excited and blessed to announce that 60 < 1: Learning to Love Myself First will...
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Sam John
Jan 9, 20231 min read
Publishing Plan. 60 < 1
Hey everyone, I've got an update for you all on the publishing plan for 60 < 1 First and foremost, I have no desire to make a single cent...
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