Isabelle Entrekin. I follow Martin Antoon’s ideology that there are no singular soulmates in this world and my best friendship with Iz is a living, breathing testimony to that. I love you with all my heart, my friend and you have been the one who has allowed me to ask for help and support for my friends without feeling like a burden.
Thank you for the love, honesty, and lunches at Carnival. You make me so very happy, Iz.
You are my soulmate and I will never stop being there for you.
The place where I showed up after a 36-hour flight and a shower to ask for a job.
Mr. Chris and Ms. Kristin. I owe my newfound professionalism, self-awareness, efficiency, kindness, and compassion to you both.
You have been my rocks and biggest supporters amid a huge transition, being stranded in the states and trusting that everything would work out.
I am forever thankful for the lessons learned, people loved, and experience earned at this beautiful place that has shaped the last 4 years of my life and enabled me to find my dream job at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures