People: Nick and Sophia Kootsikas. My bus bro and my phenomenally talented friend! Thank you for being by my side and supporting me endlessly during this move from Savannah, GA to Los Angeles. The check-ins and the encouragement have restored so much of my trust in building relationships.
Y’all have made my life so much brighter and have taught me so much about compassion. Love y’all endlessly and always. I’m blessed and honored to be a part of your lives.
Locations: SCAD Mail Center.
This place means more to me than I can put into words. It was here where the Lord provided for me down to the dollar, I would retreat to when things got too hard and needed to be at our community garden, and where I learned to invest in my community. Thank you, Mr. Neil, Kayla, Kristen, Ms. Candy, and the rest of the Mail Center and Garden team, for everything!
I’m blessed beyond compare.