Soul Rhythms.Sam JohnFeb 61 min readI'm Singing... in the Rain.And it's frozen bestie. my best not to fall and if I do, getting back up. Every. Single. Time.Either way. Got a tune to move my soul.Yours faithfully,Sam Qavah John.#photography #love #light #trust #sunset #pretty
I'm Singing... in the Rain.And it's frozen bestie. my best not to fall and if I do, getting back up. Every. Single. Time.Either way. Got a tune to move my soul.Yours faithfully,Sam Qavah John.#photography #love #light #trust #sunset #pretty
Dis:CARD.I am your fool, no longer. You treacherous,...
Speed.Too Fast. I am scared. Time passes by. And my belief that I am not enough is taking longer than I anticipated to chip away at. I find...
EYES. One day. One moment. One woman. I hold you in my arms. I rest beside...