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Rise. Fall.

Writer: Sam JohnSam John

We Rise and We Fall.

This is simply a fact of this current existence.

Perpetuated by the reality of gravity.

We can choose the pace at which we traverse this journey but at the end of the day, we live in an existence governed by darkness.

Good/Bad... It's 50/50/

No matter the cards your dealt or the choices you make.

Of course, you can choose to upend the ratios to your own discretion but no matter how good or bad you believe your choices are, you will experience this duality.

It frustrated me for such a long time.

I keep making the right choices! That should make life easier.

Ah, if it were only that easy.

We rage against our perceived slights and injustices... knowing full well that there is another part to the story.

That there is a space in which we cannot operate.

A space that is beyond our control.

We aim to make sense of this world... yet still haven't the complete understanding of what lies beneath our feet.

Each pebble. Each blade of grass.

Centuries of "learning" and there is still microscopic details we have no way of deciphering.

How tragic is this existence...

I would have given up a while ago...

But, I know... this is just the beginning.

Yours faithfully,

Sam Qavah John @qavahcollective


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