Decoded: Severance.
This epic work of art left me questioning the truth about this world, the existence of more than we know, and pushed me to believe that we could be in the midst of such megacorp activity already.
The compelling nature of its oftentimes hard to believe plot is held together by a cast of brilliant actors who have not only fully immersed themselves in their imaginary circumstances but have given both sides of their characters such depth that I don't see the actor anymore. I see Mark S and the rest of our crew of rogue data refiners.
This show pushes the barriers of what one can expect from television specifically in the realms of cinematography and direction.
I don't believe there is a cross-section of the television genres where this epic would fit.
In crafting something so uniquely designed, thoughtfully written, and masterfully executed, Severance sets itself up as a medium defining psychological thriller that has carved out a niche in television that I doubt any other product will find room to join it in.
Your mind is pushed and pulled in a series long tug-of-war.
Is Pain worth the Separation?
Yours faithfully,
Sam Qavah John