Fuck that shit.
I’ve spent 26 years being the good guy.
Being the man I want to be. Becoming the partner I wanted to be.
But this fucking generation of women would go rather go fuck some beland who is toxic as fuck instead of taking any kind of real love.
Cause it’s fucking terrifying.
I KNOW. I’m part of this same generation that’s so fucking afraid of anything that doesn’t feel good for more than 10 fucking seconds.
I’ve spent my whole life basing my worth around the partner I would find someday.
The dream girl. The fucking standard of beauty who would be far more likely interested in a fucking prick than anyone of substance.
That ends here.
I’d much rather be giving my time, love, and resources to people who would actually benefit from it instead of some fucking mommy-issue fueled pursuit to fix one of 100 fucking women every couple of months.
Do I sound bitter? It’s because I am.
And I’m sick and tired of believing that people will finally think I made it if I have fucking partner to talk about.
Fuck that shit. My love is mine.
It isn’t a fucking condom for you too use and throw whenever you’d fucking like.
Die alone? Fuck yeah. I’m not afraid it. Not anymore.
I’ll be busy changing this world, helping people, and glorifying my God.