I am beyond excited, honored, and blessed to announce that I have accepted the job offer to step into the role of Operations Manager at SCAD Story with @scaddotedu
I am thrilled to be working alongside this team of passionate storytellers to bring my experiences from around the world and across the sectors of entertainment, museums, education, business strategy, and performance to this new opportunity.
Life has a contorted yet beautiful way of working things out and I am so thankful for this opportunity!
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. (1 Cor 10:31).
Excited to glorify my Savior through this role and do everything I can to achieve unprecedented levels of greatness for the role, for SCAD, and for my professional growth and evolution.
Thank you @scadmoa
Thank you @scaddotedu
Thank you @paulaswallace