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Life and Work with Sam Qavah John of Savannah, GA: Voyage ATL

Writer: Sam JohnSam John

Life and Work with Sam Qavah John of Savannah, GA.

Thank you @voyageatl

I am a storyteller.

Every breath I've ever breathed has been in service of listening to and telling stories, even when I didn't know it.

There is no part of me that wants to lie to you and tell you that the story has been easy.

It has been heaven and hell.

I make... and I make... and I make.

I've loved my art for years.

And I know that sometimes in this life, the things and people you love don't love you back.

But everything I do is in service of the art and for the glory of my God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Voyage ATL wanted to help tell my story.

I cannot thank them enough.

I will never stop loving. Never stop making. Never stop dreaming. Never stop striving to build something.

Something that glorifies my God and helps people feel seen, heard, loved, and appreciated.

I am so thankful.

Gratitude is beginning to pump through my veins again.

It fuels me. Builds me. Completes me.

I am not afraid.

And I won't ever stop.

Why would I?

The pain is expected.

The heartache is anticipated.

But the purpose, hope, and joy will never be extinguished.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

One breath at a time.

One step at a time.

God, thank you for the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

Thank you for the courage to change the things I can.

Thank you for the wisdom to know the difference.

Your will. Never mine. Always be done.


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