You lit up my world.
The first time I saw you, I was captured by the sparkle in your eyes.
You made time stop.
My heart leap and my breath quicken.
I wanted to help you see what I saw.
I wanted to be who you needed me to be.
The light was undeniable.
The spark was perceivable.
But the lasting effect had to be worked towards.
I wanted to know you, love you, and see you.
I didn't know how to play it cool.
I never have.
And so, I found myself giddy... in love... and all off balance.
I needed to be enough for you.
Convince you that I was the one.
The one for you.
I lost myself in that chase.
I made grave mistakes.
In doing everything I could, I hurt you and I hope that someday I can forgive myself for it.
I will never stop feeling fireworks in my heart and soul when I see you.
You rocked my world, lit up my sky, and opened my heart back up to love with your dazzling display.
The lingering smoke serves to fragrance my past and points out the path to the future.
Every day... I remind myself of the steps I took, the lessons I learned, and the partner I am working towards becoming.
But baby, thank you for the show.
Thank you for the quiet that came before.
Thank you for the awe and excitement that was always present or just about to happen.
Thank you for the way you rocked my world and left me the better for it.
Loving you... was a true spectacle.
Sure, it hurt like hell but I would do it all over again.
In a moment.
I hope you're well.
I am well. Pinky Promise.