To: The Father, Son, and The Spirit. All the glory, now and forevermore.
To: The 213+ people that showed up for me and stood by my craft on that special night. Thank you for honoring me and my art with your time and space.
To: Every version of me. From that 6-year-old crying himself to sleep to that 24-year-old who didn't step in front of the Red Line in Los Angeles. Thank you for staying.
To: My artistry. I am blessed and honored to be the vessel that holds you. Thank you for never giving up on me.
To: My bloodline. Through your weaknesses and your strengths, thank you for making me the man I am, today.
To: Those that inspire me and came before me. My heart needed you and you came through. Thank you for pushing me to the best version of me that has ever existed.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
A gift. A blessing. A story.
Yours Faithfully. April 30th, 2024.
Life changed. Game changed. Destiny changed.
Fate broken.
Yours faithfully, Sam Qavah John.
Thank you Ana Lucia Zelaya Ramentol for this gorgeous piece!