Decoded: The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey.
If you know me, you know how much I enjoy it when the cast and crew of a film buy in completely to the imaginary circumstances of the story they are trying to tell.
The Truman Show is a testament to this concept and does so in a layered, intelligent, and complex way with a tone of heightened comedy that set itself in sharp contrast to the innate drama this film possesses.
I've heard about this film but never took the time to watch it and pay attention to it.
The more actively one listens and observes this film, the more details and layers one uncovers.
The cast bought into the film with such a sense of commitment that it was indistinguishable and left me wondering if this wasn't a real thing, after all.
Jim Carrey serves as the perfect catalyst for something that hadn't been done before and achieved a sense of believability that is rare and special.
I was so engaged and invested in the story of Truman and I don't believe there has been an instance of character work that comes close to this performance. I looked for faults in it as a critical performer and was stumped.
The writing of this film is on-point and plays into the complex layering of the elements of this masterpiece.
I was glued to my screen during the climactic finale of this work and am inspired by the film and it's dedicated cast and crew to commit to the story I am telling and the manner it impacts the world around me.
My viewing of The Truman Show was long overdue and leaves me in further awe and admiration of the legend that is Jim Carrey and his ability to tell compelling yet relatable stories through his wide roster of myriad odd-fellows.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Qavah John.