I walk the line...
Further and further to my crescendo.
To my grand finale.
85 to go.
I paved my path.
It didn't exist.
Rocky and tumultuous.
I tried to play the game. It didn't work.
I can't be anyone other than who I am.
Who I've chosen to be.
I've handmade the bricks.
Now, we craft the kingdom.
Ashes to gold.
Building my finish line.
Crafting my starting point.
To push me into the realm of eternity.
How do you want to be remembered?
He was a great listener.
This is what I'm leaning into.
Working towards.
And fighting.
I've never stopped fighting.
Right from the start...
The first time I saw my own blood.
It's crimson reminder of my humanity.
Coating my eyes and causing great confusion.
I used to see red... Always.
Now, it's a lens. A tool. A gift.
To protect. To serve. To build.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Qavah John.