Comfort... It held me for so long.
I have to break away.
I owe it to myself.
Dear Comfort,
It’s time for me to put you away.
Thank you for never leaving me.
Thank you for holding me.
And making me feel like I was less alone.
I am sorry.
But you aren’t meant for me, anymore.
My arm is healed. I don’t need the cast anymore.
I can walk, again. These crutches need to go.
I have freed myself of the shame and guilt associated with you.
You sit in my iife now... Ready for me to engage.
But this chapter is over.
I am sorry but I know you want more for me.
And more importantly, I finally want more for me, too.
I finally believe I deserve more for me.
I’m still getting there.
And the comfort of your warm threads needs to be put away.
They have turned into prickly textured chains.
I need to walk away.
I want to walk away.
Thank you for the comfort.
It is time to venture into the unknown without you.
I love you but I finally love me more.