When did this word become so wrong?
Wasn’t it part of our grand design…
It is and will never stop being core to who we are as a species…
But… Now. It’s become a symbol of inadequacy.
My entire life, I found my worth in my performance.
In my work.
What I could do.
So… Now, having been forced into a state of rest.
My heart wonders… Why it feels so out of sync.
It is simply returning to a state it finds unfamiliar.
And as I return, I find a promised land of joy and peace…
Yet. The wall of inadequacy, worry, and anxiety stands before me.
And here, I stand.
Having conquered wars and lands and continents through the strength of my Savior…
I stand before a dark, unassuming barrier. And it doesn’t require me to fight.
It requires but one thing. Rest...