My God. My Savior. My Muse.
My King.
I needed to create.
Right from the start.
Unending... Burning desire.
To reflect his goodness.
His hope. His salvation
I needed to die...
To who I thought I was. Who I thought I needed to be.
I needed to lay to rest every version of me that I thought I was best.
My artistry runs through my veins.
In my very DNA.
Undisputed servant in his throne room.
I trust that if I wasn't meant for this life, it would be ripped away from my grasp.
Everything else has.
And I hold my hands out in surrender.
You are the love of my life.
All I need.
Unshaken and undeniable.
Your love and sacrifice.
And your brilliance in creation.
Yours faithfully,