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Writer: Sam JohnSam John


I’ve travelled for so long.

My heart longs for a home.

A place to set my things down and be…

Simply be.

I never wanted it to be this huge, luxurious thing…

I simply wanted it to be a home.

A home where my children wouldn’t worry about the footsteps outside their door. Where they felt warm and hugged.

Where they would come home after a long day and feel safe. And loved. And at home.

Till then… my heart wanders. And it hopes.

And it dreams. Of this home. This cabin. This safe place.

But I know in my heart that that won’t be any time soon…

I must wait. And grow. And love. And give. And give. And give. Till I have nothing left. This is the life I have chosen, and I have no regrets.

Though my heart feels weary and my soul dreams of my forever home.

I find great peace in knowing that that home exists. It may not be the way I imagine it.

But that home will flow out of the heart I have fought to preserve and restore and build.

Out of the choices that make me me and will make my family know that they are loved and enough. And at the end of their day. Win, Lose, or Draw. That they are home.


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