When I wonder if things matter...
Every move I make and every step I take to be who I want to be.
No matter what it costs me... I get scared.
I cry out.
I lament and I beg.
For a reason.
For a purpose.
For a dream.
If I could snap my fingers and make it easier, I wouldn't.
Easier sounds amazing but it's not who I am.
It's not what I wanted or who I need to be.
In the midst of frustration, I always look to the heavens.
I point to the skies and dream.
The artist that shaped me loves and reaches out.
He holds me near and tells me the same thing he always says.
"Trust. Wait."
The process isn't easy.
The growth is unbearable.
But, the end of this story will be worth it.
Yours faithfully,